I am so excited for the weekend because I get to go on a fox-hunt. Fo those who have never ben it is a blast. Basically you get dressed up in traditional attire and you follow a hunt master and dogs. In the United States you don't actually kill the animal you hunt...its just a fun chase and you call the dogs off.
Every horses rider should try it at least once in their riding career. for more information on hunting visit http://www.mfha.com/abfo.htm
*image from http://www.britannica.com/eb/art/print?id=76133&articletypeld=0
so, is like this an animal cruelty thing or what?
I mean, do the foxes like it?
Do the dogs like it?
Do the horses like iT?
Just because u do, do they?
Thinkaboutit, sister.
Fox hunting is more about the ride. Most horses get very excited and enjoy the ride. Horses love it because its not strict like a show ring...they get to run with out having to stay in a frame or work. Very few riders ever use spurs or crops...they just let the horse do its thing.
As for the hounds...they are breed to chase so they love it. The dogs are the most respected part of the hunt, thus they never get stepped on by the horses and are rarely hurt.
As for the fox, in the US they are endangered, so most hunts will chase deer or coyotes. Since they are wild they are prepared to run form threats so and you call the dogs off as soon as they find it so that the animal is not killed.
To to answer you question it is not cruelty...its like when you a little kid that chases a frog in a pond that you never catch.
That looks fun, can i just ride my motorcycle instead tho, i dont like horses
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