Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Precision is everything!

After writing about reining I realized how much reining is just the Dressage of the western discipline.Dressage is a beautiful sport; its kind of like ballet for horses. I trained in Dressage for three years and it was the best thing for me.  It gave me better control over my horse, I had a better seat, and it helped to balance my horse.  Even if you are a hunter or jumper this is a skill I would definitely want to train in.  
* picture from

These are a few things to make you laugh.  Sadly some of the stuff has actually happened to me.

The Amazing Dressage Test
(For horses unsuitable to become ANYTHING)
by: Joanna MacDonald et al

1. A --- enter at ordinary serpentine. 
2. C --- Stop dead. Stare in horror at judge and shy left. Continue at ordinary working gallop.
3.  E --- Stagger letf 20 or 15 or 22 meters in diameter circle or pear shape or five pointed star. avoid excessive cross of legs.
4. K --- Begin to halt.
Z --- Keep trying.
F --- You can do it
B --- Pulley rein. Give up.  Continue at "out of hand" gallop.
5. H --- Regain right stirrup. Continue at ordinary trot. Bouncing.
6. MXK --- Change rein, free walk, loose reins. Remove horse from judge's luncheon able. Ask judge for a leg up. Jump back into ring.
7. Z --- Turn down center line. Halt. Grin. Burst into tears.

Leave areana at free walk on long reins, loose language.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful horse in that pic

Anonymous said...

I like your stuff organized in topics.
It makes it easy for me to find things.